Yes, that's right kids. Yet another monkey that somehow got access to a keyboard that happens to be attached to the Internet has found a place to post a blog.
But... why?
That's a fine question. My goal is to use this space to capture some experiences that are otherwise the stuff of word of mouth. The little helpful snippets usually shared by friends that help with success or help stop loss. Thing is, I've personally got a ton of interests and hobbies. And I've had the benefit of a lot of great teachers. (Quite a few of whom didn't know they were teaching at the time; often serving as really, really bad examples.) So as a result, I've got some strage and possibly wholly unwarranted belief that I may have some things of value to say here.
In fairness, to myself that is, I've done a bit of web creation in the past that seems to have been of some value. Besides having designed or project managed some of the first commercial online products in the world, my little personal web site garners a fair amount of hits in some of its topic categories. And I even get the occasional feedback note. Mostly postive even. So we'll see what develops here. This post here... well it's just a big "Howdy, I'm here" and a require first bunch of words so I can see a good design preview.
I'll have to check back myself in a year and see if I actually got motivated in this space to create anything of value here.